Sabtu, 10 November 2018

Warna – Warni Provinsi Banten

       Banten merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang terletak di wilayah paling barat dari Pulau Jawa. Berdasarkan letak geografis, Banten berbatasan dengan Laut Jawa di utara, Samudera Hindia di selatan, Selat Sunda di barat dan Provinsi Jawa Barat serta DKI Jakarta di timur. Menurut data Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG), luas wilayah provinsi ini sekitar 9.160,70 km2. Dahulu, Banten pernah menjadi bagian dari Provinsi Jawa Barat yang kemudian mengalami pemekaran pada tahun 2000 sesuai keputusan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2000. 

Gambar 1. Letak Provinsi Banten
(Sumber : Google Earth, 2018)
            Sadar atau tidak, banyak bagian dari provinsi ini yang unik, menarik, istimewa dan memukau. Setiap bagian tersebut memiliki warna masing-masing. Lalu, bagaimana sih warna-warni di Provinsi Banten? Yuk, mari kita simak ulasan di bawah ini!

Warna Emas

            Warna emas merupakan simbol kesuksesan, kemewahan, dan kejayaan. Laksana warna emas, Istana Keraton Kaibon dan Keraton Surosowan di Banten menyimpan kisah tentang kesuksesan dan kejayaan. Keraton Kaibon terletak di Kampung Kroya, Kecamatan Kasemen, Banten.  Bangunan ini merupakan salah satu cagar budaya Provinsi Banten yang menyimpan kisah kejayaan Kerajaan Banten Lama. Keraton Kaibon dibangun pada tahun 1815 sebagai persembahan Sultan Syafiudin untuk Sang Bunda, Ratu Aisyah. Keraton Kaibon dibangun menggunakan batu bata yang terbuat dari pasir dan kapur. Namun sayangnya, pada tahun 1832 keraton yang megah ini dihancurkan oleh pihak Belanda. Kini yang tersisa dari keraton tersebut hanya berupa reruntuhan dan puing-puing pondasi bangunan saja. Walau demikian, banyak sekali wisatawan yang mengunjungi cagar budaya ini.
            Kisah tentang kesuksesan dan kejayaan lainnya datang dari Keraton Surosowan. Keraton Surosowan dibangun sekitar 300 tahun sebelum Keraton Kaibon, yaitu pada tahun 1522-1526. Keraton ini menggambarkan kejayaan Maulana Hasanuddin, pendiri Kesultanan Banten.

Gambar 2. Keraton Kaibon
(Sumber :

Gambar 3. Keraton Surosowan
(Sumber : )

Warna Merah
             Laksana kobaran api, merah merupakan simbol semangat, gairah, dan keberanian. Monumen perjuangan rakyat Banten menciptakan kesan warna merah. Monumen perjuangan rakyat Banten dibangun di antara alun-alun barat dan alun-alun timur Kota Serang, Banten. Monumen ini dibangun dengan tujuan untuk menghormati dan mengingat semangat serta kegigihan perjuangan rakyat Banten dalam melawan penjajah.
Gambar 4. Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Banten
(Sumber :

Warna Jingga
            Warna jingga seperti langit senja yang memberikan kehangatan dan kenyamanan. Pantai Anyer dan Pantai Carita, warisan alam di Banten yang menciptakan kesan kehangatan dan kenyamanan. Kedua pantai ini menjadi primadona bagi wisatawan untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama orang-orang tersayang. Pasir pantai yang putih serta suara ombak yang berderu membuat keindahan kedua pantai ini tidak diragukan lagi. Ada banyak aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan di Pantai Anyer dan Pantai Carita, seperti surfing, diving, snorkeling, kumpul keluarga, banana boat dan masih banyak lagi. Semua aktivitas tersebut tentu sangat menyenangkan dan menciptakan kesan kenyamanan.

Gambar 5. Pantai Carita
(Sumber :

Gambar 6. Pantai Anyer
(Sumber :

Warna Hijau
            Hijau menggambarkan alam dan kesuburan. Salah satu bagian dari Provinsi Banten yang memberi kesan “hijau” adalah Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon. Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon adalah sebuah Kawasan Taman Nasional yang terletak di ujung barat Pulau Jawa. Taman Nasional ini tepatnya terletak di Kecamatan Sumur dan Cimanggu, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten.
            Tahun 1991, Ujung Kulon diresmikan oleh UNESCO sebagai salah satu warisan dunia yang dilindungi. Tempat ini mencakup hutan lindung. Selain itu, kawasan ini juga menjadi tempat perkembangbiakan berbagai jenis fauna. Beberapa jenis diantaranya merupakan fauna langka yang perlu dilindungi seperti, Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus), Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch), Surili (Presbytis aigula) dan Anjing Hutan (Cuon alpinus javanicus). Selain fauna, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon juga menjadi tempat hidup dari beberapa jenis flora langka, antara lain : Batryohora geniculataCleidion spiciflorumHeritiera percoriacea, dan Knema globularia

Gambar 7. Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
(Sumber :

Gambar 8. Badak Jawa di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
(Sumber :

Warna Hitam

            Warna hitam menciptakan kesan misterius. Layaknya warna hitam, debus menciptakan kesan misterius. Debus merupakan seni bela diri khas Banten. Kesenian ini menampilkan kemampuan manusia yang sangat luar biasa, seperti kebal terhadap senjata tajam, kebal terhadap api, kebal terhadap air keras dan lainnya. Kesenian yang bermula sejak abad ke-16 ini memang terbilang kesenian yang ekstrem. Kata debus sendiri berasal dari Bahasa Arab yang berarti tongkat besi dengan ujung runcing berhulu bundar.

Gambar 9. Pertunjukan Debus
(Sumber :

Warna Abu
            Abu-abu merupakan simbol kemandirian. Warna ini cocok sekali untuk menggambarkan Suku Baduy. Suku Baduy merupakan kelompok masyarakat adat di wilayah Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Suku ini mencakup sekitar 26.000 orang. Mereka merupakan salah satu suku yang mandiri dan mengisolasi diri dari dunia luar. Mereka bermukim tepat di kaki pegunungan Kendeng di desa Kanekes.
Gambar 10. Suku Baduy
(Sumber :

         Nah, itulah beberapa kesan warna yang tercipta dari Provinsi Banten. Banten saat ini sangat indah dan memukau dengan segala warna-warni yang terkandung di dalamnya. Lalu, kira-kira bagaimana kondisi Banten di masa depan? Akankah tetap memukau? Jawabannya tergantung pada kita sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. Generasi yang memegang tanggung jawab besar. Generasi yang harus peduli, merawat dan menjaga Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Sebagai bagian dari NKRI, sudah sepatutnya kita bantu menjaga dan merawat Provinsi Banten agar Banten di masa depan tetap memukau seperti saat ini.  Karena kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi ?

Minggu, 18 Mei 2014


1. How old hawking now?
A. 69 years old
B. 70 years old
C. 71 years old
D 72 years old .
E. 73 years old

2. What is the title of hawking's first book?
A. Brief history of time
B. The fact of black hole
C. Grand Desain
D. Sciences at cambridge
E. Big Bang in the world

3. Why is hawking so inspirational?
A. Because he write a best seller book about black hole
B. Because he studied in Cambridge
C. Because he is the lucasian proffesor at Cambridge
D. Because he was born in poor family
E. Because he is successfull people with disabilities

4. The correct statement about stephen william hawking is
A. Hawking was born on 8 january 1943
B. Doctor initially gave hawking a year to live
C. Hawking's first book is the fact of black hole
D. Stephen william hawking studied in cambridge then moved to oxford university
E. Stephen William is the lucasian proffesor at oxford university

5. What did hawking's argue in his book, The Grand Desain?
A. There was no place for God in the creation of the universe
B. The big bang was no inevilable consequence of the laws
C. Quantum theory, general relativy and thermodinamics
D. Black holes emits thermal radiation
E. Applying his work on black holes to model the big bang

6. Who lives with katniss in victor's village?
A. Gale
B. Peeta
C. Prim and her mother
D. Haymitch
E. President snow

7. Why Katniss destroy the force field?
A. Because the capitol treaty to district 13
B. Because katniss were tracked by capitol
C. Because if she do that, she and the other tributes can escape the hunger games arena, thus escaping their death
D. Because everyone in the 75th hunger games were acted under the rebellion

8. Why everyone agree not to kill katniss?
A. Because she is the figure of the rebellion
B. Because if katniss die, the rebels have someone they look up to
C. Because everyone love katniss
D. Because the capitol treaty to district 13
E. Because katniss were tracked by capitol

9. Why disrict 12 desteoyed?
A. Because the capitol hate katniss everdeen and peeta mellark
B. Because they know district 13 was behind rebellion
C. To scare out rebeln, in hope that they will cease the rebellion
D. Because the capitol treaty to district 13
E. Because katniss were tracked by capitol

10. How is Katniss putting flowers around rue when she died considered to be an act pf rebellion?
A. Because Katniss and Rue has come to symbolize all the rebellion
B. Because flowers helps to link the citizens to the caus Katniss and Rue's death have come to symbolize
C. Because Rue were tracked by capitol
D. Because the capitol's treaty to district 11
E. To better communicate to the people watching that a real person has died, not just a source of entertaiment

Minggu, 20 April 2014

Story about Successful People with Disabilities

       Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942. The son of a research biologist and a medical research secretary, his upbringing gave him a strong curiosity about the Universe. He was drawn to physics and mathematics as the sciences that offer the most fundamental insights into the world. He studied natural sciences at Oxford University, where he was awarded a first, and then moved to Cambridge to begin a PhD.
            When Hawking returned home after his first term at Cambridge, his parents noticed that he was experiencing clumsiness and a slight speech impediment. A fall while ice-skating prompted a trip to the doctor. Shortly after his 21st birthday he was diagnosed with ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – an incurable form of motor neurone disease.
Doctors initially gave Hawking two years to live. His condition steadily deteriorated. He began using a wheelchair, and eventually lost his speech. However Hawking refused to let his diagnosis distract him from his work. He completed his PhD, and went on to enjoy a full career as a leading theoretical physicist.
Colleagues have suggested that the way in which Hawking adapted his working style has had an impact on his research, his ability to visualise solutions to problems and his view of the Universe.
          Hawking quickly became a leading figure in the world of cosmology. His work during the 1970s led to the discovery that black holes emit thermal radiation and has been described as one of the most important developments in 20th-century physics. Hawking’s revolutionary insights were achieved by combining three previously separate areas of physics: quantum theory, general relativity and thermodynamics.
Hawking also attempted to tackle some of the most fundamental questions in physics, applying his work on black holes to model the Big Bang and the nature of time.
            Not content with publishing amongst his peers, Hawking has also been recognised for communicating his understanding of the Universe to a wider audience. His first book, A Brief History of Time, remained on the Sunday Times best-seller list for more than four years. In another of his books, The Grand Design, he argued that there was no place for God in the creation of the Universe, and that the Big Bang was an inevitable consequence of the laws of
        Hawking has been widely recognised for his work. He was awarded the Eddington Medal from the Royal Astronomical Society, and the Royal Society’s Hughes Medal. In 1979 he accepted the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge: a post once held by Isaac Newton. Tradition required that he stepped down at the age of 67. At the same time, he took up a post as director of research at Cambridge, stating emphatically that he was not retiring.

Question :
1. How old Hawking now?
a. 69 years old
b. 70 years old
c. 71 years old
d. 72 years old

2. What is the title of Hawking's first  book?
a. Brief history of time
b. The fact of black hole
c. Grand Desain
d. Sciensist at cambridge

3. His studied natural sciensist at cambridge university ( T / F )

4. Doctors inisially gave Hawking a year to live ( T / F )

5. Why Hawking eventually lost his pict?

6. What is his invantion at 1970 about the blackholes?

7. What did Hawking argue in his book, The grand desain?

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Aurora ( Explanation)

           An aurora is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude regions. The aurora are caused by collisions between fast moving particles from space and oxygen and nitrogen gas in our atmosphere.
          Auroras usually occur in ring-shaped areas centered around the magnetic poles of earth. The complete rings, called auroral ovals, can only be seen from space.The best place to see the aurora are in Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia, during late evening hours.

          Aurora are classified as diffuse and discrete. The diffuse aurora is a fuatureless glow in the sky that may not be visible to the naked eye, even on a dark night. The discrete aurora are sharply defined features within the diffuse aurora that vary in brightness from just barely visible to the naked eye to bright enough to read a newspaper by at night. Discrete aurora are usually seen only the night sky, because they are not as bright as the sunlit sky.
         The color of aurora depends on which gas is being excited by the electron s and on how much energy is being exchanged. Oxygen emits either a greenish yellow light ( the most familiar colour in aurora) or a light light, nitrogen generally gives of a blue lights. The oxygen and nitrogen molecules also emit ultraviolet light, which can only be detected by special cameras on satellites.
          The shapes of aurora depends on where in the magnetosphere the electron came from and on what caused them to precipitate into the atmosphere. Dramatically different aurora shapes can be seen in a single night.
          Folktales and travelers tales say that the aurora can generate noise such as claps, crackles and static sounds, usually faint and brief. For a long time scientists were dubios, since sound has been hard to document, and auroral display themselves are too high in the sky for them to be heard on the ground.           

Sumber : google/aurora-fenomena

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014


1. I will be happy if I can make my parents proud of me
   I would be happy if I could make my parents proud of me
   I would have been happy if I could have made my parents proud of me

2. If I have $ , I will buy house
    If I had $ , I would buy house
    If I had had $ , I would have bought house

3. I will be sad if my parents are sick
    I would be sad if my parents were sick
    I would have been sad if my parents had been sick

4. If I have a new bag, I will give that for my brother
    If I had a new bag, I would give that for my brother
    If I had had a new bag, I would have given that for my brother

5. I will be happy if I can go to Paris
    I would be happy if I could go to Paris
    I would have been happy if I could have gone to Paris

6. If I am a millionare, I will donate my money
    If I were a millionare, I would donate my money
    If I have been a millionare, I would have donated my money

7. He will send her a letter if He find her address
    He would send her a letter if He found her address
    He would have sent a letter if He had found her address

8. I will marry you if I love you
    I would marry you if I loved you
    I would have married you if I had loved you

9. If I prepare well for the test, I will pass it

    If I prepared well for the test, I would pass it
    If I had prepared well for the test, I would have passed it

10. I will come to your brother’s house if I have enough time
      I would come to your brother’s house if I had enough time
      I would have came to your brother’s house if I had had enough time